Friday, September 17, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 7: Doug Rocks

There once was a time when Doug Funnie didn't listen to music, but that time was long ago, hes been a huge fan of the Beets ever since Skeeter first played their songs for him and showed him the power of rock.  One day when Doug went by to visit Skeeter, he walked in amidst an extreme air guitar session to the Beets' super hit "Killer Tofu", although he was a little confused at first, once he started to harness the power of his own air guitar, he was hooked and couldn't stop shredding.  After a short time, Doug was trained to become just as big of a "Beetnik" as Skeeter already was (and Skeeter had the wigs, that's really saying something).  Fun fact, much like how the Beatles were originally named the "Silver Beatles", the Beets were originally named the "Pickled Beets".  After almost being killed from the sonicboom emitted from Mr. Dink's very expensive music device, the two buddies run into Roger, the bearer of good and bad news.  The good news is more like excellent news, the Beets are playing a surprise concert in Bluffington that night.  But Roger also comes with bad news, being that he himself had purchased the last two tickets.  Doug and Skeeter are disappointed in this but get a great stroke of luck by being able to win 2 front row tickets to the show by answering 3 trivia questions, and Doug even accidentally got the last one right (Beets Me).  But as is normal in Doug's life the ups come with the downs and Skeeter subsequently gets [in the words of his father] "that thing were you can't leave your room cause I said so", or grounded in layman's terms.  This is where Doug shows exactly where his loyalty is at, instead of deserting Skeeter for this chance of a lifetime (only Patti Mayonnaise can make him do that), he chooses to stick with Skeeter to let him ride out this night of groundedness.  But Skeeter soon becomes ungrounded as the sound from he and Doug having a jam session annoys his father, so they go to the Honker Burger.  Bored by the loneliness of an empty Honker Burger, they start doing some more air guitar, and really get into it.  They get into it so much that they don't even notice that the Beets themselves pull up in the Honker Burger parking lot and start watching them.  But once they do notice the Beets are there, they get to meet them and even (coolest thing ever) have a air-jam session with the band.  The meeting proves short, but the Beets were sure to throw them some tour jackets before they left.  Roger tries to brag about being at the show, but little does he know he doesn't have shit to brag about.

Here's a fun topic, I've been to quite a few concerts in my day, I could talk about my first one, but that can be put aside for now.  I would like to talk about the time I went with a few of my friends to see Pearl Jam.  It was a summer concert so we showed up extra early to do a little tailgating and play some Baggo before entering the arena.  The trip itself was interesting as I believe we got a little lost at one point, but the real interesting part was our lunch/dinner at the local Friendly's restaurant.  We had this like 50-something Eastern European lady as our waitress, and damn she was weird.  She kept on making jokes that were a little strange to us but may have been lost in translation from her native language (like talking about how she wants to eat all of our food as she was placing it on the table).  One of my friends also got an abnormally large spoon for his ice cream leading to a few quotes from the youtube phenomenon "Rejected", mostly the start where a stick figure is holding an abnormally big spoon and just says "My spoon is too big!"  Fast forward to entering the show though, my first two friends had already cleared the ticket scanners, but for some reason the friend who had bought my ticket was encountering some troubles, as well as myself.  It appears that he had bought tickets for the show 2 nights previous, and our other friends had the correct day.  I couldn't believe it was happening and was legitimately hysterical about it.  We waited in the box office line to hopefully be able to buy tickets for that night, we even met a guy who had the same troubles as us except with some prime seats.  By some amazing stroke of luck, we were able to find out that if we went to a different window (with a much shorter line) they were allowing people who didn't attend the last show to get replacement tickets for this night's show and we were saved!  This show currently stands as the third best concert I have ever gone to, and it was an amazing time with some of my good friends (except for the fight that almost started when some random guy threw a lit cigarette at the kid in front of us).  It was one of the great times of my life to this date, and I now check the date on the tickets whenever that friend buys tickets on my behalf.

If you don't know Pearl Jam, this picture sums up everything you need to know.

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