Monday, February 13, 2012

The Unemployment Chronicles: Part 1 of Hopefully 1

My last blog post was just over a month ago now, back when my time after graduation was no different from a typical college student's winter break.  During that time I didn't really have much to complain about, my friends were around, I was giving myself an intentional reprieve from doing anything constructive, and as far as I was concerned I was succeeding in what I wanted to do.  We found ourselves having some good times, a lot of video games were played, a few football games and there was even a trip to the city to have some drinks with a friend who has moved away!  There are minimal complaints about my pretend vacation, but the thing about vacations is that unless it involves the Titanic, they don't last forever.  And thus a great portion of my friends moved back to their schools and I was left basically home alone to start my new life as a grown-up.
I'm sorry, once you became the 2nd highest grossing movie ever.  You lost the right for any joke to be "too soon."
 Being a grown-up is almost exactly like being a 12 year old again in my situation.  You have no money, you can't go out and hang out with your friends all the time (I don't have a car), you spend most of your days watching TV and playing video games and the only thing you are really looking forward to is baseball season.  I quickly realized that this was going to get old quickly and started shipping my resume around to places that seemed they would be interesting in hiring someone with an extraordinary academic record leading up to receiving their B.S. in Mathematics, which is a smaller subset of companies than you would be led to believe.  For the record, receiving the physical copy of my diploma has probably been one of the most underwhelming moments of my life, my first thought was to make a paper airplane from it, but it eventually found its place in a frame on my wall like everyone else's.  All frustrated hostility aside, my resume started to make its rounds at places all over the country.  In the half-month or so I have received calls, e-mails or some form of interest from places in Massachusetts, Florida and North Carolina, one of which was an on site interview in which at the time it seemed like there was a genuine interest in myself.  So, there is reason to believe I have a nice and desirable education, but I have not quite found an opportunity to take the next step.
Mine never even got to wear a hat!
Meanwhile, to kill time all day I have found myself getting enthralled in such productive endeavors as Batman: Arkham City, FIFA 12, Netflix and playing with my dogs in addition to searching for new and exciting ways to keep in touch with my friends.  Now please excuse me for a minute while I attempt to think of something interesting and new to say about any one of these things.

Despite such a great motivating speech from Special Agent Dale Cooper from the show Twin Peaks, I still am searching for something interesting...
Almost onto something here...

That's it!  I can talk about my new found love for B-movies.  I am pretty sure everyone on earth who sees that clip from John Carpenter's They Live will agree that it is completely awesome, and I would also recommend anybody to watch From Dusk Till Dawn as I found that to be one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen, and Toninho strongly agrees with my tastes in both movies.  But now lets move on back to slightly more important matters in my life.

I spent last week back at my school apartment (by way of train for all you smart asses who were remembering my admission to not having a car) because Wednesday was the school's career fair.  I think the career fair went well but to tell you the truth it was really nothing worth discussing at this point.  The rest of the week was nice though, after weeks of barely seeing anybody outside of my family it was a very good thing to be around people my age again and maintain my social skills.  Over the course of the week I spent a lot of downtime with my housemates playing video games and watching TV, being a normal college student again (without the classwork of course).  My visit also happened to correspond to my graduating class's "100 Days Party" so not only was I able to find the opportunity to see a lot of the friends I spent a lot of time with over the course of college, I was also able to run into many people I probably would not have seen otherwise.  The party itself was pretty good, but not spectacular.  People drank, people danced, my friend claimed to have found the perfect girl for me but couldn't introduce us because we "both have ADD" and couldn't find the both of us simultaneously, I woke up hung over with half of the house a complete mess.  Typical Friday night.
Pretty much
So now I am back at home after this week trying to kick this job search thing into second gear.  I'll try to write more often about things happening in my life so I don't keep bringing these ridiculously long periodic catch ups, and also because another hobby wouldn't hurt.  I'll see you then, but I guess I also need to give the prerequisite Happy Valentines Day to the blogosphere given the time.
I could have not conjured a more silly image.
Oh yeah, and if you would like to hire me, comment below and we can talk. (Don't pretend shameless self-promotion can't ever work)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, watch B-movies! I would also like to add a note on From Dusk til Dawn. Watch it without knowing anything about the movie if possible. That's what I did and it was an incredibly great decision!
