Thursday, October 21, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 20: Doug Loses Dale

So Doug is riding a camel through the desert, I'm still a little unclear as to why, but it has something to do with a criminal refugee camp because he lost his best friend's baby brother (Dale from the title).  Per the norm, Doug wonders how he found himself in this mess so we get a flashback to Doug at the park seeing Skeeter at the sandbox with his little brother Dale.  Skeeter proceeds to tell Doug about how his Dad has a really cool tugboat captain's picnic, but they can't go because Dale's babysitter was sick.  Taking the cue and waiting until Doug asks what happens next, Skeeter finishes his fabulous guilt trip by asking Doug if he could be Dale's babysitter for the day, which Doug has no choice but to accept.  So Doug, who doesn't know beans about babysitting decides to ask around for help.  He first asks Judy who proceeds to do some weird thing which includes her acting like a child, and when Doug doesn't play along, she gives him a clown mask she claims will make them laugh every time.  Then he goes to the Honker Burger to ask his friends,  Bee Bee basically admits shes a spoiled brat and her babysitters treated her as such, Chaulky suggests snacks, a girl who I presume to be Connie even though they have her skin and hair color different from the Connie we get to know better later in the series suggests coloring books.  The last piece of advice comes from Roger (why are they sitting with him, I thought he was the school bully wasn't their friend?  The writers are pretty schizophrenic about how he gels with the other characters) who acknowledges Doug is gonna mess up and suggests he gets a good lawyer.  So armed with this advice the Valentines leave for the picnic and Doug gets to work.  Almost immediately, Dale starts looking out the window and screaming for his mommy, so Doug tries to distract him and put him in good spirits with Judy's clown mask.  Judy's advice would have worked perfectly if instead of "laugh" she said "scare the living daylights out of", which is exactly what happens.  We now cut to a fake newscast watching over Doug's work and are told again that the clown mask scares children.  But Doug finally gets on Dale's good side when he tries to give him ice cream, but instead they make a total mess.  The next stop is Dale's room for a shirt change, this is when we find out Dale has the best wardrobe ever as he turns down offers to dress up as a cowboy, spaceman, monkey and racecar driver before Doug lets Dale dress himself.  It turns out to be a mess, but is remedied rather easily.  To distract Dale for a longer time, Doug pulls out the crayons and coloring books, which work perfectly well until Doug has to answer the phone and returns to find Dale has drawn on the walls.  He doesn't know how to deal with it easily so he accidentally yells at Dale, and scares him off long enough to clean the walls.  The problem is, even after the walls are clean, Doug can't find Dale, this is when Doug remembers Roger's advice, and gives a daydream back to the camel in the desert which is just long enough for him to say "no comment."  Almost instantly after this the Valentines are returning, and Doug quickly thinks that he would hide in the downstairs laundry if he was Dale.  The Valentines come in to find Doug rummaging through their dirty laundry (which they don't find odd at all), and right when Doug is going to admit he lost Dale, Dale pops out from the laundry saying "Momma!"  Doug gets paid and asked to be the new babysitter, but he respectfully declines after that adventure.
This kid knows how to dress himself up!
I've babysat two sets of children in my lifetime, probably for a combined like 4 times total, but you know what, its an experience.  One set of children was just my little sister, who in her younger days was probably as irritating as any other combination of children I've ever met in my life.  It usually would start out with watching TV and then something stupid would happen and we would argue and she would be a little brat.  Luckily she has matured a little since then, but I also don't have to babysit her anymore.  The other set of children are a couple of my cousins.  The oldest is a girl who is my sister's age, and the middle child was another girl, and the youngest was a boy.  The two girls were usually good about keeping each other busy so I never really had to worry about them much, so my job was just to keep the little one occupied.  These times kind of reminded me of Big Daddy (which is one of my favorite movies, even though being my third favorite Adam Sandler movie from the 90s, something I've already discussed a little), as all we did was just hang around and play video games, play with his toys and watch old cartoons on demand.  The video games were typically simple, we usually played Lego Star Wars on the Gamecube (which is probably one of the most unexpectedly fun games I've ever played.)  He really likes sharks so we usually played with some of the sweet shark toys he had, which is always pretty cool because sharks are pretty damn cool.  But the most chill part was that this kid loved Tom and Jerry, which I could also watch for hours.  So after following that schedule, he would usually be asleep by the time his mom came home, so I would leave having successfully sat the babies.  So if Doug asked me what my babysitting advice would be, I would actually kinda follow with Judy's first try, and tell him that you need to act like a child and be a child to watch a child, and having the same taste in cartoons doesn't hurt either.
My Babysitting Methods: CARTOONS!!!!

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