Monday, October 11, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 17: Doug Needs Money

It's I Need Money!

This episode teaches us a few great lessons and none are much better than the first one we learn right off the bat, playing softball/baseball in your backyard is never a good idea, it's just too small.  We get this proof when Doug smacks one, but it leaves his yard and happens to land directly on Mr. Dink's custom grill that was modeled to look like his face.  After realizing what they have done, and after Skeeter does a great impression of Mr. Dink saying the grill was "very expensive", they start to think of what they are gonna do about it.  Their first idea is to just tell him about it and apologize, but upon seeing Mr. Dink brought to tears when he sees the grill is broken (right before his big cook-out), they second guess themselves because Doug daydreams that he will turn into an angry green monster when he hears they broke his grill.  This leads to an attempt at plan B, this would be to start their own business to make enough money to buy a new grill.  Since children don't have a lot of possible jobs (outside of beat-down sweatshop jobs in third-world countries, but I don't think they thought of that) they decide to start their very own car wash company in Doug's front yard.  Obviously this plan fails as they got only one customer in Dale, who pays with bottlecaps (this isn't the Capital Wasteland buddy!)  So they decide to try cliche child job number 2, raking leaves.  They finish their first yard, Skeeter's, but Dale ruins them again by jumping in the leaf pile and messing it up before they are able to get their pay.  This discourages them enough to give up that ill-conceived plan as well.  Once they think things are going bad, Mr. Dink drives by and chats with the two of them, and gets reduced to tears when he thinks about his grill, things just got worse.  In a last ditch effort they try to split up and use each of their own personal talents, Doug and Porkchop walk dogs, and Skeeter blows balloons for little kids, these also don't bring in much cash.  When thinking about their business model, they realize they have made -$9.50, so they cut their losses and decide to confess to Mr. Dink.  The confession is a little awkward, but definitely heartfelt, and even though he is clearly a little broken up about the loss of his grill, Mr. Dink appreciated their efforts to work to try and get him a new grill, and decided not to turn into a green monster and kill them, but rather they were going to do some odd jobs for him and they would be even.  The first of these odd jobs was to make the burgers at his cookout, which goes strikingly well, so honesty and a hard day's work pays off in the end as it should.  Doug and Skeeter are (kinda) off the hook.
Rakin' in that cash-money!
Oh jeez, I've had a pretty bad history with breaking people's stuff.  I put a hole in my friend's wall before on accident, I've broken a light bulb at another friend's house, and I'm sure that I've had many other instances in which I have accidentally destroyed things that don't belong to me.  But the most notable, and recent happened last year when I was a major factor in the destruction of my friend's refrigerator.  It wasn't as hard as it seems because he was letting my roommate and I borrow the fridge for they year, but it didn't make it that long.  It all happened after a long night of drinking, which is definitely the worst night of drinking I have ever "experienced," quotations added because it was the only time I've gotten to a level of inebriation in which I was unable to recall the events of the night past.  The last part I remembered was being unable to put a key in a goddamn hole, so I had to walk to the pizza place to find my roommate to unlock it for me (yeah, I know that's bad.)  Fast forwarding to the next morning, my phone was busted up because I likely vomited on it, and lets just say there were non-refrigeratable items in the refrigerator. These items made using this fridge in the future undesirable, so I threw it out.  For multiple reasons that has been the worst day of my life, a day I hope will never happen again.  I'm still trying to make it up to my friend, whether he thinks it or not, I owe him.  Even if it means I will never live this down (and I won't).
I didn't mean to ruin you :(

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