Monday, October 25, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 21: Doud's Runaway Journal

This episode starts off rather strangely, it doesn't apply the typical Doug formula of Doug's voice narrating his journal passage as he writes it, why is this?  Because he cannot find his journal, and the beginning scene features him searching every nook and cranny of his room trying to find it but no cigar.  As he begins searching the house beyond his room, Judy hears him and peeks out of her room to see what is going on, and sees a crazed Doug searching around.  He notices her and asks if she's seen it but she hasn't seen his diary (JOURNAL!), and proceeds to watch Doug go completely berserk, even checking for it in the toilet.  She advises Doug to sleep on it, but we find this advice wasn't very helpful as Doug has nightmares about his journal getting destroyed and wakes up in a cold sweat.  His next idea is to retrace his steps, a phrase in which he takes too literally as he walks the same path he walked yesterday, except walking backwards and inspecting the ground under every step he took.  This first takes him to the Honker Burger drive-thru, who he asks but they haven't seen the diary either (IT'S A JOURNAL!), so he proceeds to walk backwards to his previous(?) location.  Next he finds himself in the library talking to the librarian, after making a poor choice of words and asking if anybody found a book the day before, he refines his question and asks if anybody found his journal, and no diary (JOURNALLLLLL!!!) was found.  Finally he ends up at school, and realizes the possibility that somebody found and read his journal.  Knowing Doug's nature, he hears people laughing and assumes they are discussing his personal matters from his journal, which he assumes everyone had read.  These matters include (but are not limited to): Doug thinking he got a pimple only for it to actually be a mosquito bite, Doug being afraid of taking the trash out at night, and his thinking that Mr. Bone's ears wiggle when he gets angry.  Mrs. Wingo asks Doug what is wrong and shortly puts his mind at ease by pointing out that many famous authors journals have been published and successful.  After fantasizing about being a smug writer, Doug realizes the dangers of somebody finding out he loves Patti.  And right on cue, Patti comes over and asks Doug whats wrong, he tells her his journal is missing, and she makes the worst reaction ever, "Aren't you afraid someone will read it and find out all your personal stuff?"  He finally takes initiative to post fliers around town.  After this is over, Doug returns to his room and feels the need to try to write about the day somewhere else, attempts on writing on "Multicolored Loose-leaf Paper" and toilet paper fail.  As things always happen at perfect times for Doug, Judy informs Doug someone called about finding his journal, but unfortunately the caller is none other than Roger Klotz.  Doug imagines Roger would use the journal to make a joke out of Doug and even daydreams about Roger with his journal on stage at a comedy club.  Roger tells stories such as, Doug thinking he grew hair under his arms but it was just grass from mowing the lawn, how Doug ripped the seat of his pants and had to staple them together, and finally telling everyone about his love for Patti, (this scene is absolutely perfect, because not only are these funny stories, but they made Roger deliver them perfectly, even giving him the same comedy stylings as Andrew Dice Clay.  I was gonna link to something actually by Dice Clay, but this is much funnier and gets the point across.)  Doug finds Roger at the Honker Burger, and finds out that he didn't read any of the journal, not because hes a good person, but because Doug's handwriting sucks (comes in handy), so Doug was reunited with his journal and life is back to normal.
That's what I call front page news!

This is a really ironic (is it ironic, the definition for irony sucks because apparently nothing in Alanis Morisette's song is ironic at all, just unforunate) because I am writing about what it would be like if somebody found my journal and read it, on my blog, which is basically a journal open to all the public should they be able to stumble upon it.  So obviously you should be able to figure out that I don't mind people reading what I think about myself, my experiences, and various other topics, but there are a few other things to discuss.  First is anonymity, a certain amount of people do know that it is indeed myself who writes this, but other than those who know already my name may or may not actually be Chase Robertson, and I could be from anywhere and know anyone, I've tried quite hard to be ambiguous enough that nobody would be able to ascertain who I am without already knowing, but at least have their ideas.  This aspect will probably become much more necessary in the cases where I am talking about my personal life and the various conquests I have partaken in, because those include more than just myself and I don't think the parties involved would appreciate being mentioned by name.  Another thing is when or not to conceal information, there have already been a few instances in which I have left out details that would not sabotage the story, but would rather skew the story slightly to make myself look like less of a freak/jerk/mess/weirdo, take your pick at which one(s).  So keep this stuff in mind if you continue reading my mindless ramblings, maybe you will be able to pick out the minute details that give me away, hide me, or be able to make the inferences about what I decide not to say.  Best of luck with that, cause now I'm gonna make sure not to give anything out

Self-portait (as far as you know)

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