Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 9: Doug Didn't Do It

Hi journal, it's me, Chase, and do you know what Doug hates?  He hates practical jokes, especially when he is on the receiving end of one.  Especially the practical joke that was played on him by someone who stole Asst. Principal Lamar Bone's Der Grosser Yodelmeister trophy and hid it in his locker.  Naturally once Doug sees the stolen trophy in his locker, Roger comes over and talks about the consequences of Bone finding the trophy in his locker, and Doug somehow doesn't put 2 and 2 together to realize then that Roger did it (don't worry he's not thaaaaaat dumb).  All the evidence is pointing at Doug, so he needs to think of something quick to get him off the hook (like leaving the trophy on a random spot on the floor wouldn't have solved the problem then and there), his first thought is just to go to class.  This plan proves useless as Mr. Bone calls an emergency locker inspection, and while waiting Doug reveals to Skeeter that he was framed just before Mr. Bone smells some funny business with Doug (get it "funny", Doug's last name is Funnie).  Doug manages to hide the trophy shortly under his shirt and gets saved by the bell and rushes away before Mr. Bone had known what happened.  Next, Doug turns to Judy for help, she suggests that he beg for mercy, but someone did that two years ago and it didn't help.  She then suggests Doug pleads insanity, but Skunky Beaumont (the generic character to whom all the bad things on earth happen to) tried that the year before and now he has to meet with the guidance counselor every day, and they finally decide that telling the truth might work.  Roger now tries to finish the frame by sending an anonymous note to Mr. Bone telling him which locker to look in, but this oddly coincides with the exact time Doug plans to bring the trophy back to him.  This leads to a runaround which includes Doug finally realizing Roger did it all along, that ends with Doug leaving the trophy safely back in Mr. Bone's empty office.  But it wasn't a perfect escape as the trophy was in Doug's lunch bag with his name written on it, and Mr. Bone interrupts class (as Mrs. Wingo tells the class to open their books to the page "10 to the second power", love the hidden math jokes in this show) to summon Doug to his office.  After the punishment is handed down, Roger comes to the empty office to tell Doug not to tattle on him, and to explicitly describe exactly how he succeeded in his frame.  The problem with this description was that Roger had his foot on the PA button so the entire school could hear it, especially Mr. Bone.  So just like that the truth had set Doug free and he was off the hook.
You gon git it boy!!!!!!

Getting framed huh?  A very specific topic to touch upon but I think I got some experience.  In my previous story I was basically guilty by association, but managed to get a little help and indifference to not have any repercussions.  I also maintain that I was framed in what I shall now refer to as "the incident" (A.K.A. the low point of my life), but that's a story best suited for another time, if at all.  I'll instead focus on the most applicable framed story, even though it is a little tame compared to the first two.  At the beginning of my first semester I used to keep a wireless router in my room that was unprotected (I don't remember my specific reasons but I felt it was an alright idea at the time.)  Well a little bit into the semester my roommates received what seemed like really urgent and professional e-mail inquiring about who owns the router (myself), so I responded by saying it's mine.  His next e-mail to me was some ridiculously long and intense description about how my router was used to illegally download the popular video game Gears of War.  I love Gears as much as the next guy, but I don't game on my PC, so this is bullshit.  The guy was nice enough to send me the email addresses of each of the people who used my router in the time frame where the game was downloaded, but even after some awesome investigation work I couldn't find the culprit.  The only people I didn't ask were the Lacrosse kids across the hall who never talked to anyone and seemed like they thought they were superior to them anyways.  To expect a courteous act of accepting responsibility from any given one of them seemed about as likely as my crotch spontaneously combusting, and probably more demeaning to my masculinity.  So in the end I bit the bullet and let it slide, so what I might get my IP address blocked if I get caught illegally downloading something, it's not like wireless Internet isn't excessively convenient or something.  Oh shit..

By the way the song in this trailer was THE reason I bought this game the day it came out.

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