Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Another year is passing by once again, and as all the major holidays are either passing by or coming up I would like to take some time to note how my opinion of Thanksgiving has changed over the years.
That is exactly what it was like.
There was a time when I was younger when all Thanksgiving was was just a whole bunch of Pilgrims and Indians (Native Americans for those who care for such things) eating turkey and living peacefully.  Thanksgiving was just another day of the year where I would have to be a little kid and not be able to play with my favorite toys or video games for the day because my whole family was coming over.  I used to hate those days because I never liked to talk to grown ups, I just wanted to play and eat and sleep and just be a little kid.  Those days eventually ended and then a new dawn came.  I then got to the ages where I was in and around High School.  These Thanksgivings were different because I could no longer care less about Pilgrims or Indians or any of the savageries done by one to the other after the famous day of the turkey.  During these Thanksgiving days I would watch football, both the local high school game live, and then later whatever games the NFL would allow us to see.  These games usually involved me not caring as the Lions lost and rooting against the Cowboys as they inevitably won.  These days also became one of the few days my parents wouldn't care and allow me to sit with the family and enjoy a couple beers throughout the day.  But no matter what, during these time periods, I never looked forward to Thanksgiving much, and it was really just another reason to get a few days off of school.
<3 Hand Turkeys <3
But since my years of college have started, Thanksgiving has become something completely different to me and has slowly been working it's way up the list of my favorite holidays.  So since this is where I currently am in life, this is how I currently feel about Thanksgiving.  It is now not only a day off of school but something I completely look forward to as the calendar flips over into November.  The extended break from school (although it is still less than a week) is a much needed breather in the crowded life of a college student, and not only gives a few days reprieve from the seemingly never-ending workload that begins to become your life as you grow older, but it also allows a reason to get a monstrous home-cooked meal when you are used to mediocre dining hall food.  Since I enjoy food as much as the next guy, and I enjoy rest as much as the next guy, Thanksgiving is starting to become a true mix of the things in this world that I truly love.  Since these are probably common thoughts about Thanksgiving I will note that no matter how old I get I find that the allure of a Hand Turkey grows even larger than the days when I was a child and somehow believed that that is what turkeys actually looked like.  Let me leave you with some ideas for songs to help you enjoy and appreciate the spirit of thanksgiving.  Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden definitely captures the spirit quite well in my opinion, but if songs that recollect the way our American forefathers settled this great land in a masterpiece of heavy metal, then maybe this song will be much more suited to your fancy.  Ladies and Gentlemen please allow me to introduce you to the Tommy Seebach Band and their breathtaking video for the song Apache!

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