Friday, November 5, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 23: Doug Says Goodbye

Bee Bee is going to have a big costume party and Doug and Skeeter are going to go as members of the Beets (good timing given it is less than a week after Halloween), even though Skeeter happened to have a perfect Chap Lipman costume, but Doug still had to find a wig for his costume.  Unfortunately the wig quickly lost it's importance as Doug goes to school the next morning and Skeeter informs him that he is moving and can't go to the costume party the next night.  Although Doug asks for more information about the move, Skeeter unfortunately can't tell him anything more than his father just told him to pack his stuff up for the next day, and that's all that was said.  This terrible news takes us to a great retrospective of Doug and Skeeter's relationship thus far (seeing this is the season 1 finale, it is also a retrospective on the first season as a whole) as we revisit the first time Doug and Skeeter met at the Honker Burger, the time Skeeter taught Doug how to dance, and who could forget when they met the Beets and got to air guitar with them?  Doug next contemplates ways he could stop the Valentines from moving, but while he can imagine Quailman would give Mr. Valentine the Quail-Eye and Smash Adams would basically threaten the movers from letting them move, he as Doug can't do anything to prevent the move.  He would merely just hang on to the bumper of the car as it zooms along the street away from Bluffington.  Fortunately(?) Doug's ideas are unnecessary, as Skeeter claims he doesn't have to move and curiously runs off.  The next thing we know Doug is sitting in the kitchen looking melancholy while his mother comes in with the perfect wig for his costume.  This doesn't seem too important to Doug at the moment, but things get important as Doug goes to try his costume on for his mom and finds Skeeter in his closet!  After getting his mother out of the room, he asks Skeeter what the deal is, and it is revealed they are gonna be "secret brothers" and will live together in Doug's room forever.  Not much later, they go to the Honker Burger to get a celebratory shake, and Skeeter even dresses in costume so nobody would be able to realize its him and tell his parents where he is.  Unfortunately the costume is terrible and everyone knows it is Skeeter.  It seems the only person in the Honker Burger who doesn't notice Skeeter is Mr. Valentine, who is looking for him because he never came home from school.  This is when Doug realizes that Skeeter's family will really miss him and realized its for the best they don't live together.  He tells Skeeter that he has to move and that they can still be friends, and even exchange Skeeter's lucky penny for Doug's comb as mementos.  After an awkward goodbye on a par with when a couple has to literally be pulled apart by their friends to stop talking and get on with their lives, the sad Doug "doo doo dooo" theme plays in the back and they are separated for good.  Doug tries to say one last goodbye to Skeeter the next morning before he leaves, but he shows up in time to see the Valentine family car zoom off.  Not knowing what to do next, Doug sits on the stoop and sulks, but oddly enough Skeeter comes out of the house and is like sup dawg?  This is when the happy ending comes (ready for it...) Skeeter's move was only to the basement, and now he has rockin' basement room!  They will be friends forever those two!
Skeeter!!! Come out of the closet!
Oddly I started the season with the story of my first few weeks at college and the inevitable change that brought, so why not end the first season with the prequel to that.  I had the same friends for most of my life at that point and was going to be separated from them for the first time in my life, so this is the story of my move away from the friends I had always held so dear.  I was the first to move out to college, and did so nearly 3 weeks before anybody else at that, so even though we did have an older friend who already had a year of college under his belt, this was the beginning of the first mass dispersion.  I don't remember much of what we did in those last few days other than the Applebee's dinner the night before I left, it was an apt farewell as we are all cheap and hungry, and Applebee's is cheap and satisfying.  The rest of the summer was more or less our last real time to be free and hang out all the time, the following summers saw our work schedules always at odds so being able to hang out all the time became difficult.  The summer was full of all our usual activities, wiffleball games, frisbee games, video games, hanging out in general, and the card game that will never die, MLB Showdown 2000/2001.  Those are truly the activities that define my summers and the times with those friends (obviously with much more specialized events in there but those are too numerous to count.)  But not being one to disappoint I will point out two of the massive highlights of that summer that I will always hold dear.  The first was the Pearl Jam concert that I have already discussed.  The other is still one of the more interesting times of my life, I, along with two friends of mine, crashed a toga party hosted by one of their parents, and it was both the first and last time the three of us would drink together that summer, but we definitely made it an experience worthwhile.  I would lastly like to thank  any such friends who are reading this, you all are good people I tell you, thanks.

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