Sunday, November 21, 2010

Project Yancey: Episode 26: Doug Takes the Case

We open on the Bluffington School on a Thursday morning.  Doug using some kind of police investigator voice tells us about how Bee Bee had her dad's expensive boom box in school that day but it went missing before the day was out.  Doug decides to investigate the matter, and dubs himself "The Chameleon" as we see a quite awesome intro video for this character showing that he is indeed a master of disguise.  I don't think anybody is questioning the mastery of stealth when someone is capable of disguising themselves as a brick wall as their dog poses as a detour sign to catch a petty burglar.  But lets get back to the matter at hand, Mr. Bluff is now at the frond of their classroom yelling at the kids about someone being a thief and all in all being a stuck up rich guy, all while embarrassing  Bee Bee to the point where she sinks under her desk.  Since even children realize that stuck up rich folk are shitheads, Mr. Bone takes over and tells the kids that if the radio is not returned by 4 o'clock that afternoon the entire class would get detention!  This is when Doug gets sucked into the problem, Patti immediately whines to Doug about how she has beetball practice that afternoon and it will be ruined if she has detention.  That is enough motivation for Doug, who immediately thinks to start checking out suspects and searching for clues.  His obvious first thought is that Roger did it, and he even has an extended daydream of the Chameleon chasing Roger while disguised as a school locker, it doesn't look very mobile.  But when Doug decides to run his thoughts past Skeeter (by the way Doug is still maintaining the goofy voice I mentioned earlier), it is pointed out that Roger was in the Principal's office the entire day, so there was no possible way he could have stolen the boom box.  After this, Doug starts from scratch and asks Bee Bee if she has any suspects, but she plays it off oddly relaxed and tells him to take it easy, even telling him that detention is better than some things (her example was getting a bad haircut.)  But not being one to let Patti down Doug manages to find out Boomer sits behind her in class so suspects him of doing it.  Doug now decides to follow him around (Does he really think a guy wearing what looks to be a Star Trek shirt stole a radio?) but Boomer notices Doug following him and asks him to help carry some books.  As Boomer collects his books, Doug finds a piece of the radio on the ground (really? a piece was just laying around all day and nobody saw it?) and found it came from the locker next to Skeeter's.  Deciding to ask Skeeter about it, Doug jets off and totally leaves Boomer screwed by himself trying to carry way too many books.  But Doug doesn't need to ask any questions of Skeeter as when he opens the door to the metal shop and sees Skeeter in there with the radio!  As Doug tries to decide if he wants to turn Skeeter in or not we are treated to a nice cutscene that answers the question we have all been wondering, what would Skeeter look like if he was a crack addict?  So before school ends Mrs. Wingo gives one more chance to the students to turn it in, she turns out the lights and closes the shades so nobody will see who turns it in.  Once Doug realizes Skeeter isn't going to make a move he starts bringing the radio forward himself and Roger (being an ass) flicks the lights on.  But before Doug can be blamed, Bee Bee breaks into tears telling everybody that she broke the radio and Skeeter was fixing it for her, and when her dad asked about it she panicked and said someone stole it.  So hopefully Bee Bee learned a lesson in the truth, and Doug learned a lesson in trusting his friends, and Mr. Bluff didn't learn a thing about not being a snob.
If Skeeter smoked crack!
Damn thieves, they never learn. This episode constitutes what I can call a "television scenario", it will likely never happen in anybody's real life, but it is an easily conceivable situation that makes for a moderately entertaining storyline.  To my knowledge, show and tell thefts are probably at an extremely low percentage, especially with something as big as that boombox appeared to be.  All I ever remember show and tell being when I was a young child was excuses for children to bring their Beanie Babies into school for a day and show off that they had some platypus or bear or something like that.  And even then, your Beanie Baby was perfectly safe and nobody would steal it, even if it was the coolest Beanie Baby ever made. So, I'm sorry... I took a week to think about this one and really just can't relate.  I wanted to take the investigation route, but I already told my stories about that.  But don't worry, theres probably some really good episodes coming up, and I got some top ten ideas cooking.  See you next time!
Remember these things?

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