Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things I Want (Because I'm Needy Like That)

I want to have more time and more ideas to write on this blog with.
I want to have more free time for myself as I have all of these hobbies and projects that are in progress and I never have time to get around to all of them.
I want to get a time machine that will send me back to the early to mid-90s at the age I'm at now, it sometimes feels like I'm an anachronism.
Oh Hell Yeah!!!
I want music to come back to the way it used to be where the artists put their heart into it and you could hear and feel it.
I want video game makers to stop taking the fun out of games, either that or just make Nintendo and Remedy make more games (Bethesda and Ubisoft can come too).
I want to like money as much as the other people that are out there, I just don't see the point in working so many hours when you have no leisure time to enjoy it, and I don't even have a girlfriend or anything better to do with my time.
I want to know what the appeal is to sexting, at no point in my life have I considered a picture of my penis to be either a fitting or appealing response to any text message.  Maybe it's a rich people thing.
I want to try doing stand-up comedy at least once in my life, Dave Chappelle just made it look like so much fun.
Man mastered his craft like nobody ever can or will.
I want to find a stroke of good luck, it seems like its been quite some time since Lady Luck has smiled at me.  To quote Max Payne (game, not movie),"Sooner or later it was going to catch up with you...You'd find that Lady Luck was really a hooker, and you were fresh out of cash."
I want to track down the person who first suggested that you don't write how you speak, it is just a plain stupid thing to say, let my writing be living proof of that.
I want to know why only writers, musicians and artists are allowed to have muses, a math muse would kick ass and probably help.
I want the rest of the world to enjoy weirdness as much as I do, there is plenty of it and you really need to enjoy it.
I want everyone to stop taking themselves so fucking seriously, the world is a scary place as it is, why do you have to keep making yourself miserable being so serious?
I want to point out that I enjoy peculiarities, I tend to like things that people don't expect me to like.
I want to hear some news on whether or not there actually are going to be sequels to Sin City, I loved that film.
I want to stay a child, my short time with being semi-grown up isn't what its cracked up to be.
I want to want more things but I suppose this is all I want.
What do YOU want for Christmas little boy?

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