Friday, July 22, 2011

Only In Dreams

Hello all.  Once again I'm going to talk about sleeping trouble and general weirdness, possibly due to my lack of sleep as compared to my normal schedule.

It started about a week ago on Sunday night and I had to go to sleep to wake up early on Monday morning, but this was made hard by the fact that I slept rather late that morning so I wasn't tired at a normal hour to wake up at 6:25 without feeling like absolute shit.  When I decided that I was tired enough to try sleeping, I quickly found that I was wrong and fell into one of those situations where you try to sleep but get riddled with thoughts about what you should be doing instead (whether at that moment or in general).  If I am the only one who comes across this situation quite often please tell me because that probably isn't a good thing.  Eventually after about an hour and a half of hating myself for stupid things I've done in days past and telling myself that I'm going to partake in some new endeavors with my life I fell asleep.  That is when the real fun began.  I had a dream about some sort of really weird alien epidemic (possibly induced by playing Dead Space: Extraction earlier that night) and it started with a first person perspective of a woman being woken up, and in the shock of her change of state she punched the person who woke her right in the face. Once we established that that was her default response to being woken up, we met some other girl who spent her days laying in the middle of her pet Giant Venus Flytrap (now were getting into the weirdness) and that there is an epidemic that turns people into angry killing zombie-like aliens, but it can be kept in check by some measures.  This is when the first lady catches the epidemic but she is kept in check so she is a semi-alien but can still act coherently like a normal human.  This is when we hit the interesting part of the story, the infected lady gets woken up and reacts as she normally does by punching the other in the face, and this is when Giant Venus Flytrap Girl defensively grabs the infected woman and unleashes her pet upon her, the results were not pretty.  This freaked me out and woke me up, I was freaked out to the extent that I tried to rewrite the dream.  I don't know if I rewrote it correctly because I didn't dream again before being abruptly woken up for work (I didn't punch anybody).
That's some scary ass shit.
The next night I once again battled the same battle with my brain before going to sleep, but that is nothing to discuss at the moment because I once again had a survival-horror dream.  This time rather than an alien epidemic and fictional characters, the antagonists were light-fearing zombies and my siblings and I were the main characters trying to survive in a two-level warehouse I have never seen before.  This dream wasn't nearly as vivid as the last to me but from what I remember we had one light in the warehouse and were standing in it because we knew it was the only way we would be safe from the incoming horde.  It contained a lot of dialogue and I retained exactly none of it, but some action finally came as one of my brothers decided that our barricades were insufficient and decided at the last minute to run out into the darkness and down the hall to fix them, the dream then ended with my starting to venture off after him to help.  The world may never know if we found the light.
Imagine this with only one light bulb and complete darkness otherwise

This was strange to me in that it was the first time in a really long time that I have had notable dreams on consecutive nights, and was also notable in that I usually needed more than 2 hours after waking up to be vaguely useful.  The third night I tried to avoid the typical thinking myself to sleep by just staying up later until I was ready to sleep, which worked to some small extent.  That night I know that I had a dream, but I didn't retain any of it at all, all I remember about it was there was no setting, no purpose, no people and no words.  The dream was just a sequence of images being thrown at me randomly and the worst part is that I don't remember any of what they were.  I feel like something interesting happened in writing about this so I really hope that you enjoyed hearing about my dreams and maybe I'll try to tell them more when I have them.  Enjoy the song I named this after.

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