Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Got Some New Digs

Check out the revamped page for I Sometimes Call Myself Chase Robertson (or ISCMCR for all you cool kids out there), they always say you need to keep up with the Jones's but in this case I'm keeping up with the Tonino and I didn't want it to look like I put more effort into Retentive Gibberish (even though it is fantastic and you should bring yourself over to that link which is now conveniently on your left!)
Oh, I'm keeping up Fox!
The first change you should notice is the vomit-inducing pattern in the background, it is a series of bullseyes something, but I liked the way it looked and it sure beats the plain black.  I have also changed the fonts for a few things, both the font for the blog title, and for each of the post titles have been changed from generic-brand font, to looking like it was written by a 7 year-old.  I also set up a new right-side and left-side design so you don't have to strain yourself to scroll down a little further to see my massive set of labels on the right.  My last big change is adding a little excerpt about me in case if you are one of those people just discovering this awesome page now and don't want to read all the nice autobiographical posts leading up to this moment.  Well I just wanted to show and acquaint you with my new look, and don't be scared of change, most of the time its only superficial, just like every one of you out there!
I did this for you sir!

1 comment:

  1. I like the new setup dude! Especially the font that looks like a 7-year old's handwriting. Change can definitely be good. I agree, many people are superficial on the internet, I feel like Holden Caulfield every time I think about it!
