Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Project Yancey: Episode 29: Doug Vs. The Klotzoid Zombies

School just got out for the day, and our Doug Funnie and his pal Skeeter decide to get a shake, but before they leave for it Skeeter is summoned by Roger, and tells Doug that he can't go get shakes because he already had plans to go to Roger's house.  Doug is determined to do something that afternoon, so he next turns to BeeBee and Chaulky who are walking by and asks if they would like to listen to his new Beets tape.  Chaulky definitely seems like he wanted to, but BeeBee covers his mouth before he can say yes, and politely declines Doug's invitation.  They walk off toward Roger and Skeeter, and Doug also sees Patti join up with them, leaving Doug by himself.  A confused and disparaged Doug then turns to Porkchop and Quailman to help him kill some time, so lets delve once again into the world of Quailman.  In this world we find ourselves discovering how talented Quailman is at mini-golf, and shortly afterwards discover Mr. Dink is acting stranger than usual.  Well this can't be anything too strange given that it is Mr. Dink afterwards, yet things take another turn for the odd when Quailman and Quaildog ask for beet shakes at the concession stand only to be told they only sell Zombie Chips.  Being called a loser by three of his good friends, Quailman returns to his Thicket of Solitude to lick his wounds and analyze why his friends have been treating him so badly.  Well, luckily enough, once he finishes that thought he sees a commercial on television with Dr. Klotzenstein advertising the very Zombie Chips all of his friends have been snacking on lately.  What I found the most odd was that Quailman wasn't able to figure that out before.  But since he finally did put two and two together, Quailman flies as quick as he can to the set of Dr. Klotzensteins show "Wheel of Snack Food" to confront him.  Using the power of television, Dr. Klotzenstein manages to get Quailman into being a contestant on "Wheel of Snack Food" where he is spun around on a giant wheel while the entire crowd screams that he is a loser.  Having gotten Quailman away, Dr. Klotzenstein continues his plan to turn everybody into his zombies, a plan that will fail as soon as Quaildog uses his "quail tail" to reach for the lever to throw on the brakes and save our heroes.  As quick as you can feed everybody in a moderately large television set, Quailman gives everybody beets and they turn back into their normal selves.  After writing this story, Doug sees the parallel to his own life and decides to go to Roger's house to confront him about why he stole his friends.  Expecting a confrontation, Doug shows up at Roger's trailer and oddly gets invited inside.  That is when it is revealed that Roger has been planning and hosting a surprise 1 year anniversary party for Doug in Bluffington with all his friends!  And this touching moment is where this episode ends.
He wants the Greasy Puffs!
My friends apparently don't like me enough, because I have never had a surprise party before in my life.  I have only been invited to one surprise party in my life, and that was because it was for my parent's 25th anniversary.  But I will say that was quite an experience.  Not expecting much out of that night, I decided to try to get my drinking quota out of the way the night before (a night which very well may end up getting it's own story), but this night turned out to be quite interesting as well.  First of all, my parents didn't even know I was in the state, let alone my grandma's basement.  So being a double whammy on my parent's surprise party was pretty cool in the first place, but later on in the party I was playing bartender.  I probably broke a couple of personal records on that night, and probably had a conversation or two that were better off not being said, but it was tons of fun.  It was quite a spectacle to see all my parent's friends from throughout the years getting drunk and being merry, all while I myself was getting drunk and merry.  Sure being driven about 3 hours while hung over and kind of wanting to throw up the next morning wasn't the best experience I've ever had, I would say that it was very well worth it, and surprise parties are good in my book.
Now get out of my face you filthy animal!

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