Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Probably My Shortest Post Ever

I have just noticed that I've once again gone months since my last post to this page.  I can't truthfully tell you what the reasoning behind this is.  It isn't that I don't have time to write, because I have had plenty of spare time to kill.  It isn't that I haven't had anything to say, because my life has been very eventful in the past two months, June possibly being the best month I'll live.  So what is the reasoning behind me not blogging as often?

I thought to ask myself why do I write on this blog at all?  It serves no purpose as nobody ever reads it.  Yet that's not true.  Although I know nobody else goes out of their way to read and re-read my posts, I do such a thing.  The reason I truly write this blog is so I can remember the little things in life and the events I find to be interesting.  But if there's anything recent things have taught me is that I use this blog to help me remember the things I would forget otherwise.  I have never told any story of any consequence on this blog and I don't think I ever will.  So basically what I write this blog for is to document the forgettable.  The last two months have, for the most part, been unforgettable so I don't feel the need to broadcast them.  Best wishes to anybody who stumbles upon this blog post, let it be known that I've been drinking tonight and you will never find anything of use on this blog.  Good night. 

-Chase "The Forgettable One" Robertson

P.S. Don't be surprised if I don't post for another two months.

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