Friday, January 25, 2013

Quick Update

Hello everyone, as is my norm, I will start this article by apologizing for such a long break between posts.  I think that is one thing I'm going to stop doing as the one person who reads this blog understands that this is how I write, I am also going to try to refrain from promising that I'm going to write more often at the end, because I surely know that that is a lie.

So what's new with my life?  I spent most of the last two months on break and being completely restless while giving in to FIFA addiction.  This last week I have announced that I am going to take a lengthy hiatus from playing FIFA as the last time I played I reached nearly unfathomable levels of rage and disappointment.  To make sure that FIFA stays in the opposite corner of my room as my Xbox, I vowed to attempt to spend this semester trying to beat all 5 Splinter Cell games in preparation for Blacklist this summer.  But there isn't a whole lot of interest in my video game habits so lets talk about other things.
For the first time in 2 years I am returning to a familiar place at the beginning of a semester (since I'm still in school I still use semesters as my standard time frame.)  After a half year of graduate school I'm only partially sure of what direction I want to go with my adult life.  I am pretty sure that after reading The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver this last month that I have an interest in predictive modeling and hope to be able to find myself doing that for the rest of my life.  This field really interests me because I've always wished I would be able to predict the future.  This reflects in my method of speaking, as more observant people that I know have noticed that I never speak in definite, I will always qualify what I say in one way or another, mostly by using "probably" in the place of "yes."  I do this intentionally, I have no idea what is going to happen to me in the time span between the present and when I am supposed to do whatever I am being asked to do.

I spend a lot of time at night thinking about things and building these intricate futures in my head where things happen in ways that are favorable to me, as any reader of this blog could easily figure out, these futures have vaguely reflected what actually happens a total of zero times in my life.  Maybe if I devote my life to the craft and try really hard I will start to get a few of these predictions correct, even if it means I tone down (or even abolish) the prerequisite that I am favored in the future.  This divergence between reality and expectation has caused me much of my strife over the course of the last few years, although it has been slightly less problematic recently.  Basically I want to accept that I can't control the world, but at the very least I should be able to anticipate what it's going to do.
Take a left! I know a good place there!
On a completely different note, I went to see a Lewis Black concert a few weeks ago.  I am by no means a fan of his work but did enjoy the show, but it got me thinking about stand-up comedy as a craft.  I try to be funny on this blog a large portion of the time, but it's seemingly become a 50/50 split between funny posts and me complaining about things (guess which this one is!)  For the most part I fancy myself to be a clever and insightful person, which is are usually good qualities in comedians, yet I don't find myself to be excessively funny in my everyday life.  It was at that show that I realized that you don't need to be, but for the most part people will laugh a lot harder at your jokes because you are on a stage telling them to a crowd of strangers.  I've secretly had a couple of jokes written in my head that I have tried to tell people and work on over the years and am hoping that I can make up enough to feel confident trying it out myself.

But anyways this quick update turned out to be a lot longer than I expected, I guess I just had too many things to talk about saved up to be able to keep this concise and on topic.  Hopefully next time I decide to write (some random time in the future) I will be in better spirits and produce a funny piece, but I feel I needed to vent a little and while I haven't quite done that to completion, there are some things I don't want to talk to the internet about.  I'll leave you with my Magic 8 Ball's response to me asking if things are going to be good for me this semester.  "It is decidedly so," hooray.

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