Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Decision Points

Firstly, I would like to point out this is my first ever post written using my fancy new phone so don't be surprised to find some limited vocabulary, incorrect words and grammatical laziness as my fingers tend to be less accurate than I believe.  Now that I have put that matter aside I would like to congratulate myself on finishing my bachelors of science (retrospective on the college experience to come along eventually) which I was able to finish slightly ahead of expectations.  But as I have been known to blog about before, I am a little hesitant about growing up and still don't know what it is I want to be doing for the rest of my life.  But I suppose this is a decision point everybody has to go through.  Yet I have never found myself to be particularly adept at making correct decisions for myself although you could argue that I turned out alright anyways (thanks to all those who would care to argue that). 
As much fancy-schmancy that can be fit in a JPEG
The easiest decision point that comes to mind is when I chose what school I was going to attend my college classes at.  This was a little different from the normal decision most high school students have because I had to make the decision twice.  Finding the first time relatively easy because of financial reasons, I was at one point enrolled at the flagstaff campus for the local state university (I don't know why I still try to maintain anonymity on this blog since I'm sure anybody who cares enough to read it already knows exactly who I am.)  If that was the end of the story I don't think I would have been too disappointed, but it wasn't the end of the story as the one school I was wait-listed at responded back to me with what I considered to be an attractive package.  After a week of deliberation in which I was steadfast on not giving in to the new offer, I talked with my physics teacher who more or less told me I would be stupid to pass on such a good school.  For some reason hearing that was enough so I technically dropped out of the first college but immediately enrolled in the second, which I can technically consider to be my alma mater now. 

I've always wondered how they work.
Over the years since this decision I haven't been able to help but think of how my life would have differed had I not changed my mind at that juncture.  One thing to understand is that my original choice is known well enough as a party school and I would have been attending with one of my best friends while the school I did go to has better academics at the price of being known as an overall unhappy student body.  This does not mean that I was unhappy at school, but I definitely understood why the school had been able to ascertain such infamy.  Would I have gotten as good of an education and been happier if I stuck with my original decision, or would I have given into the party culture and not succeed as I had?  Would I have had more relationship success if I had gone to a school that was not 70% male (which may be gracious with the ratio), or is that just an undeniable part of who I am?  Would a change of scenery have helped me mature more and possibly know what I should do right now? 

What happened to my elbows?
There are thousands of these questions that I could ask myself, but there is no way I could possibly answer any of them.  The answers wouldn't even hold any meaning even if they existed, because I made that decision in my life and I really can't argue with how it turned out.  I met many interesting people and created some great memories with them at school and I suppose I am in a position to succeed in life, so even if I may have made the wrong decision at my last decision point it was a good decision in general.  So I would like to end this post hoping that I can be lucky enough to have my upcoming decision point turn out as well as this last one did, even if I scrutinize it anyways.  I'll be sure to keep my dedicated fan base alerted to what that is and how it turns out.  Enjoy yourselves.
Kinda what its like.  Plus I realized I had never posted a picture of Rover.

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