Sunday, January 17, 2016

I'm Back! And I'm Taking a Nude Erection!

Woah, that came out wrong ... I need to learn how to enunciate.  Lets try again.  Hi everyone, I'm back! And I'm taking a new direction!  That's better, and don't worry about it, its a common mistake.
Here's Wandai Wrection's new single "Stow Rhea Mile Hive"
So anyways, after approximately forever since my last post (which was admittedly pretty crappy, what a downer) I probably owe you some kind of recap before explaining my gnu direct shun. It turns out that last post, (again, despite being crappy) held true, I didn't ever like to write about happy things  and the last 2 and a half years have reflected that. I'm probably as happy and comfortable as I've ever been.  I finished getting my Masters (Woo!), I met a girl (Woo!), I taught college Calculus (Woo!), I moved to a new state (hint: its size reflects my new direction), I got a real grown-up job (I like money), I gained 15lbs (Boo!), and I still love abusing commas and parentheses.  Are we back up to speed? Yeah? Good.

Okay, so now lets discuss my knew deer ... ection ... 
Yes it was!
I am still going to post sparingly for my own purposes, but now they aren't going to be about my life anymore because I need to protect my identity, and those of everybody I love, from Dr. Octopus!  Instead Doc Oct will need to track down who I am through my random thoughts about baseball (one of those coming soon!), video games, and anything else that comes to mind. So if you like my writing and my value my opinions (don't worry, I don't really either) please continue to tune in and I'll try to do this semi-sporadically!  

The reason I've decided to resurface is due to an interesting series of thoughts I had the other day.  It is the beginning of a new year and there are all kinds of "best of" awards being announced.  Seeing these awards, particularly for video games, got me thinking "what is MY game of the year in 2015," and that doesn't just mean what game from 2015 I thought was best, I wanted to think about which game I played for the first time in 2015 that was best.  I just finished a 3+ day romp in Fallout 4, dug in the time to 100% Batman: Arkham Knight, and had to walk a tightrope for all of late September/October due to Super Mario Maker and the end of the MLB season and playoffs.  Despite all of those games being quality new entries into series that I love, none of them are my top game of the year.  We have to dig back even deeper to play a re-release of a remaster/retooling of a game that was released all the way back in 2002, (i.e. half as old as I was.)  That game was Metroid Prime!

You get to play as a ball that's occasionally a bounty
I've been a fan of the 2-D Metroid games for a little while now, but I was always a little uneasy about the Prime trilogy despite all the praise I had heard.  You see, I am not an FPS fan and I thought surely that seeing Prime take on the FPS genre, that it would lose it's focus on exploration and concentrate on combat.  A rerelease of the Wii's Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii U shop selling for $9.99 its first week was the push I needed to give it a chance.  What I found was exactly what everybody had been telling me that I would find, an extraordinary re-imagining of the Metroid gameplay in 3 dimensions while putting you in the Space Jump Boots of Samus Aran herself!  I don't want to run on too long about my thoughts on this game, I just wanted to officially give it my award for best game I played in 2015 and recommend all others who were wary of this change to give it a chance.

Though you should probably steer clear of the upcoming Federation Force spinoff...

So there you go. I am considering being back.  Stay tuned for a very obscure themed fictional baseball team I am trying to come up with!
That's how it's done!